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Amazon India is one of the country’s most popular online selling platforms. If you want to start selling on Amazon, this guide will tell you everything you need to know.

We’ll cover topics like setting up your seller account, listing your products, and fulfilling orders. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to start selling and reach a whole new group of customers.

The Growth of Amazon in India

When Amazon entered the Indian market in 2013, the e-commerce landscape in the country underwent a significant transformation. The American e-commerce giant introduced Indian consumers to a new level of online shopping experience, marked by a broad selection of products, competitive pricing, and unparalleled customer service.

Over the past decade, Amazon has substantially invested in the Indian market to bolster its local operations and infrastructure. This includes establishing numerous fulfilment centres, delivery stations, and sorting centres nationwide.

Amazon’s commitment to the Indian market is reflected in its rapid growth, where it has quickly emerged as one of the leading e-commerce platforms in the country, alongside domestic competitors like Flipkart.

Today, Amazon India boasts over 100 million registered users, with hundreds of thousands of sellers listing products across various categories. Furthermore, the company reported adding over 1 million new customers from tier II and tier III cities during its festive sales in 2022, highlighting the deep penetration of e-commerce even in the non-metro regions of India.

Amazon’s robust market position presents a significant opportunity for sellers. Given the vast customer base, sellers can access a large, diverse audience, which can be difficult to reach through traditional retail channels.

Whether you’re a local artisan, a small business owner, or a large manufacturer, Amazon India provides an incredible platform to showcase and sell your products within India and to consumers worldwide through Amazon Global Selling.

The continued growth of Amazon in India is not showing any signs of slowing down. With India’s e-commerce sector expected to reach $200 billion by 2026, according to a report by the India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF), there’s no better time to start selling on Amazon India and tap into this ever-growing customer base.

Why is Amazon India a good platform for selling?

Amazon India has a large number of active buyers.

Amazon India is one of the fasting growing markets for Amazon. They offer a vast selection of products and services to cater to the needs of Indian customers. According to a report, Amazon India has over 30 million active buyers on their platform.

This is a significant number when compared to other e-commerce platforms in India. What makes Amazon India stand out is its focus on customer satisfaction. They offer easy return policies, convenient payment options, and fast delivery times. This has made them a popular choice among online shoppers in India.

Amazon India offers a wide range of products.

Setting up an account is free, and there are no listing fees. You can sell anything from books to clothes to electronics. Amazon also offers fulfilment services, so you don’t have to worry about shipping the product.

Most customers in India trust Amazon, so you’ll have no trouble getting sales. Moreover, Amazon India has a growing customer base, so your potential market always expands. Amazon India is a great option if you’re looking for a platform to sell your products.

Amazon India has a convenient payment system.

Amazon India has a convenient payment system that makes it easy to get started. Here’s what you need to know about the Amazon India payment system.

You’ll be asked to provide a bank account and PAN number when you set up your account. Once your account is verified, you can start selling. When a customer purchases, the funds will be transferred to your bank account within a few days.

The Amazon India payment system is simple and easy to use, making it a great option for those looking to start selling on Amazon India. With quick and easy deposits, you can focus on growing your business without worrying about payments.

Amazon India provides good customer service.

Amazon India provides 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and live chat. They also have a team of dedicated account managers who are always available to help sellers with any questions or concerns.

Sellers can rest assured knowing that Amazon India’s customer service team will take care of their customers. This is just one of the many reasons why selling on Amazon India is a great idea for businesses of all sizes.

Amazon India gives sellers a wide range of marketing tools.

Amazon India provides sellers with several powerful marketing tools, including product listings, Amazon Advertising, and Amazon Prime. Utilizing these tools can reach more potential customers and increase your sales.

Product listings are one of the most important marketing tools at your disposal. Your product listing appears when potential customers search for products on Amazon. Ensure your product listing is optimized for the Indian market, with accurate and relevant keywords, descriptions, and pricing.

Amazon Advertising is another powerful marketing tool. With Amazon Advertising, you can place ads on and across the web, targeting potential customers based on their interests and shopping habits.

Amazon India has a simple and easy-to-use interface.

Selling on Amazon India is a great way to reach a wide audience of potential customers. The platform has a simple and easy-to-use interface that makes it easy for sellers to list and manage their products. Additionally, Amazon India offers many features and tools to help sellers promote and sell their products effectively.

Amazon has a well-established logistics network.

Amazon has a vast logistics network that can get your products to your customers quickly and efficiently. This is especially important in India, where many other online retailers struggle with last-mile delivery. So if you want to start selling online in India, Amazon is a great platform.

Amazon India offers low fees for sellers.

Low selling fees make it an attractive option for entrepreneurs looking to start selling online. In addition, Amazon India offers a wide range of products, making it easy for entrepreneurs to find items to sell.

Tools and Support from Amazon

One of the most compelling reasons to sell on Amazon India is the extensive array of tools and resources the platform offers to support its sellers. Whether a newbie or an experienced seller, Amazon provides comprehensive guidance and assistance to help you navigate and succeed in the e-commerce marketplace.

Seller Support

Amazon India offers 24/7 seller support to resolve any queries or issues that may arise. From listing products to managing orders and returns, their support team is readily available to help sellers make the most of their Amazon experience.

Seller University

Amazon’s Seller University is an invaluable resource that provides free online training content to its sellers. It features various educational materials and tutorials, including guides on setting up your seller account, understanding Amazon’s policies, optimizing product listings, and using advanced selling tools.

Seller Tools

Amazon provides powerful seller tools to help you manage and grow your business. This includes inventory management tools, sales analytics, pricing tools like Automate Pricing, and the Amazon Seller App for managing your business on the go.

Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA)

FBA is a service provided by Amazon where they take care of storage, packaging, and shipping on behalf of sellers. It also includes handling customer service and returns, giving sellers more time to focus on their products and business.

Amazon Advertising

Amazon’s advertising platform enables sellers to create targeted ad campaigns to increase product visibility, reach more customers, and boost sales. The platform provides sponsored products, brands, and display ads that appear in key locations within Amazon’s website and app.

A+ Content

A+ Content (formerly Enhanced Brand Content) allows sellers to add detailed product descriptions, rich images, charts, and narrative copy to their listings. This can help showcase your brand story, explain product features, and ultimately drive more conversions by giving customers the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions.

By leveraging these resources, sellers can better understand their customers, optimize their sales strategies, and build successful businesses on Amazon India. The support provided by Amazon helps in the seamless operation of your online store and empowers you to deliver a superior shopping experience to your customers.

A few things to keep in mind while selling on Amazon India

You should keep a few things in mind when selling on Amazon India.

Understand the Indian market.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand the Indian market. What works in the US or UK might not necessarily work in India. You need to be aware of the different trends and preferences of Indian shoppers to be successful.

Another thing to keep in mind is that Amazon India is a lot smaller than Amazon US or UK. So you’ll need to focus on promoting your products and ensuring they’re visible to potential customers.

You can’t just rely on organic traffic like you might be able to do in other markets.

Be aware of the country’s regulations around e-commerce.

India is a country with a lot of potential. But before you start selling on Amazon India, there are a few things you need to be aware of. For one, the Indian government has strict regulations around online sales.

If you want to sell products on Amazon India, you must have a registered business there. You must also comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including taxes and customs.

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties, so you must research before setting up a shop on Amazon India.

Understand the local competition.

When you’re selling on Amazon India, it’s important to have a good understanding of the local competition. What are they selling? How are they selling it? What are their prices like?

Answering these questions will help you craft your Amazon India selling strategy and give you an edge over the competition. Do some research on your competition before you start selling on Amazon India. It’ll be worth your time in the long run!

If you keep these things in mind, selling on Amazon India can be a great way to grow your business.

There are many reasons to start selling on Amazon India, but one of the most appealing is the vast selection of items popular with Indian shoppers. Here are 10 popular categories of items to sell on Amazon India.

1. Clothing and accessories

To tap into the massive Indian market, selling clothes and accessories is a great way to start. Indians love to shop for clothes and accessories, and there is a huge demand for stylish and affordable items.

To successfully sell clothes and accessories on Amazon India, it’s important to understand the market and what consumers are looking for. Indian shoppers are very price-conscious, so offering competitive prices is key.

Finally, it’s important to have a good selection of products that appeal to Indian consumers. Make sure to offer a mix of traditional and contemporary items and a range of sizes and styles to cater to different tastes.

2. Beauty products

As India’s economy continues to grow, so does its beauty industry. In recent years, the country has seen a boom in local and international brands catering to the needs of Indian women (and men!).

With a growing middle class and an increasing number of working women, India has a rising demand for quality beauty products. And with a vast population of over 1 billion, the potential customer base is huge!

So if you’re considering selling beauty products online, Amazon India is a great platform.

3. Electronics

Indians have always been at the forefront of adopting new technology, reflected in the growing demand for electronics. Whether it’s the latest smartphone or a new TV, Indians always look for the latest and greatest gadgets.

This makes selling electronics on Amazon India a great opportunity for businesses. Not only is there a huge potential market, but Indians are also willing to pay premium prices for quality products. So if you’ve got quality electronics to sell, Amazon India is the place to do it.

4. Home décor

As more and more Indians move into urban areas, there is a growing demand for stylish and modern home decor. Amazon India is a great platform for selling home decor products because of its wide reach and vast customer base.

Research the market and understand what kind of home decor products are in demand. Look at trends in India and globally to understand what sells well. Choose a niche or focus on a particular style of home decor to start with. This will make it easier to build up a product range and establish yourself as a go-to seller for that type of product. Start with products that are not too expensive so that you can test the waters.

5. Health and wellness products

Health and wellness products are becoming increasingly popular among consumers in India. These products offer several benefits, including improved health and well-being. In addition, health and wellness products are often more affordable than traditional medical treatments. As a result, more and more people are turning to these products to improve their health and well-being.

6. Books

The Indian book market is growing rapidly, with many Indians reading English-language books. This has created a demand for more local publications, and selling on Amazon India is a great way to tap into this market.

There are a few things to remember when selling books on Amazon India. First, book prices are generally lower in India than in other countries. This means you’ll need to price your books competitively to make sales. Second, shipping can be slower in India than other countries, so it’s important to factor this into your delivery times.

Finally, it’s important to be aware of cultural differences when marketing your books. For example, what might be considered an offensive book cover in India could sell well if priced correctly and marketed to the right audience.

7. Home and kitchen

Home and kitchen products are one of the most popular categories on Amazon India. Home and kitchen items are typically easy to find, and source, and these products have a large potential customer base. Selling home and kitchen products on Amazon India can be a great way to tap into this market.

There are a few things to remember when selling home and kitchen products on Amazon India. First, ensuring the products are of good quality and well-made is important. Second, it is important to price the products competitively.

It is important to have good customer service to build a good reputation with buyers.

Selling home and kitchen products on Amazon India can be a great way to earn extra income. With a little effort, sellers can succeed in this category.

8. Travel Accessories

As Indians increasingly take to travel, be it for business or leisure, there has been a corresponding rise in the demand for travel accessories. From luggage to power adapters to neck pillows, travellers always look for products to make their journeys more comfortable and convenient.

If you want to tap into this growing market, selling travel accessories on Amazon India is a great option.

9. Games and Toys

There are many popular categories for selling games and toys on Amazon India. Games and toys are a great way to earn income, and Amazon India is a popular platform for selling these items. Games and Toys can be divided into two categories: indoor and outdoor.

Indoor games include board games, video games, and card games, while outdoor games include sports equipment, playground toys, and water toys.

Some of the most popular indoor game items to sell on Amazon India are Monopoly, Chess, Jenga, Scrabble, UNO, RISK, Pictionary, and Clue. Board games are always a hit with customers of all ages, and these classics will never go out of style.

Video games are also very popular among Indian customers. The Nintendo Wii U is one of the most popular consoles selling in India right now.

10. Industrial and Scientific

In India, there is a big opportunity for businesses in the Industrial and Scientific categories to sell their products online. If you’re selling products in the Industrial and Scientific category, ensure they are properly classified so shoppers can find them. Lab equipment and supplies make a good fit for Amazon India.

The platform has a large customer base of scientists and researchers who always need these products.

Amazon India offers several features that are particularly well-suited for this type of product, such as the ability to search by keyword and filter by category.

Lab equipment and supplies are expensive, making them a good target for Amazon India’s competitive pricing. By selling on Amazon India, businesses can reach a large audience of potential customers at a price often lower than what they would pay elsewhere.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can Amazon India help me grow my business?

Amazon India offers many tools and services to help sellers grow their businesses. They provide services like Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA), where Amazon takes care of storage, packing, shipping, returns, and customer service on your behalf. Also, Amazon’s advertising and promotional tools can help more customers discover and purchase your products.

What are the advantages of using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)?

Using FBA, sellers can store their products in Amazon’s fulfilment centres. Amazon then handles storage, delivery, customer service, and returns. This allows sellers to focus more on their products and business. Plus, FBA can provide your products with Amazon Prime eligibility, giving them a significant boost in visibility and attractiveness to Prime customers.

How can selling on Amazon India improve my product visibility?

Amazon India has a massive user base that searches for and purchases products across various categories. By listing your products on Amazon, you can significantly improve their visibility. Furthermore, you can use Amazon’s advertising tools to boost your product’s visibility to potential customers.

Is it difficult to start selling on Amazon India?

Starting to sell on Amazon India involves a simple registration process, listing your products, and starting to sell. Amazon provides ample resources and support to new sellers to help them understand the platform and start their selling journey.

Can I sell to customers outside India through Amazon India?

Yes, with Amazon Global Selling, you can sell your products not just in India but also to millions of Amazon customers globally across 200+ countries and territories.

Do I need a big investment to start selling on Amazon India?

Amazon India’s entry costs are quite low. You would mainly need to account for inventory costs, shipping (if not using FBA), and Amazon’s commission. Moreover, since it’s an online platform, you won’t have to worry about the expenses of maintaining a physical store.


Starting to sell on Amazon can be a great way to reach millions of online shoppers in India. With easy-to-use tools and a wide range of products, Amazon provides everything you need to start selling online. You can sell products you make yourself or resell products you source from other suppliers. You can even use Amazon to sell digital products such as e-books, music, and software. Best of all, starting to sell on Amazon is quick and easy and doesn’t require any upfront investment.

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