role of reviews

In our digital age, online reviews are becoming a more significant part of people deciding what to buy. This is particularly true for Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, where product reviews can make or break a product’s success.

In this blog post, we will explore the role of reviews in online sales and how sellers can get more positive reviews and manage negative ones.

The Role of Reviews

The first thing to understand is how critical reviews are to online sales. When a potential customer is considering purchasing a product, one of the first things they are likely to do is read the reviews to see what others say about it. Positive reviews can help build trust in the product and encourage the customer to purchase it, while negative reviews can discourage them.

But it’s not just about the individual customer—reviews can also influence the ranking of a product in Amazon’s search results. Products with more positive reviews tend to rank higher, meaning they are more likely to be seen by customers, resulting in more sales. It’s important to note that this is only true for products in categories with Amazon’s “Search Inside the Book” feature.

Amazon has a relatively transparent review system, but there are still ways to game it. However, Amazon’s algorithm constantly evolves and tries to catch companies using fake reviews. If a company is discovered to be manipulating the system, it could lose its selling privileges on Amazon.

Impact of ReviewsPositive ReviewsNegative Reviews
SalesIncrease in sales and customer trustDecrease in sales and damage to reputation
TrafficPositive reviews can lead to more traffic and higher search rankingsNegative reviews can lead to less traffic and lower search rankings
Customer loyaltyPositive reviews can increase customer loyaltyNegative reviews can decrease customer loyalty
Decision-makingMore than 80% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.Negative reviews can discourage potential customers from making a purchase.

Getting More Positive Reviews

So, now that we understand the importance of reviews, how can sellers get more positive ones? Here are a few tips:

Offer excellent customer service

This is perhaps the most important thing you can do to get positive reviews. If you go above and beyond to ensure your customers are happy with their purchase, they will likely leave a positive review. That said, offering customers incentives to leave a review doesn’t hurt. For example, you could offer customers who leave reviews a coupon for their next purchase or an extra discount if they leave a positive review.

Follow up with customers.

After making a purchase, consider following up with the customer to see if they are satisfied. They may be more inclined to leave a positive review if they are. Follow-up is a great way to ensure customers are happy and build long-term relationships with them. Here are a few ways you can follow up with customers after purchase:

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Send a thank-you note or email

This is a simple yet effective way to show appreciation and establish a connection with the customer.

Subject: Thank you for your purchase!

Dear [customer name], We wanted to take a moment to thank you for your recent purchase from our store. We hope you are enjoying your new [product/service].

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are always here to help. Thank you for choosing us.

[Your name]

Ask for feedback

Gathering customer feedback can help you improve your products or services and show that you value their opinion.

Subject: We value your feedback!

Dear [customer name], Thank you for your recent purchase from our store. We hope you are enjoying your new [product/service].

At [company name], we are always looking for ways to improve and provide the best possible experience for our customers. That's why we would love to hear your feedback about your experience with us.

Could you please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey about your experience? Your input is greatly appreciated and will help us to better serve you and other customers in the future. Thank you in advance for your time.

[Your name]

Offer additional resources or support.

If the customer has purchased a product, consider offering additional resources or support to help them get the most out of their purchase.

Subject: Get the most out of your purchase

Dear [customer name],

Thank you for your recent purchase from our store. We hope you are enjoying your new [product/service]. We wanted to share some additional resources and support options to help you get the most out of your purchase.

[List of resources or support votes]

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always here to help.

[Your name]

Upsell or cross-sell

If appropriate, you can also use the follow-up to offer related products or services that may interest the customer.

Subject: Enhance your experience with [related product/service]

Dear [customer name], Thank you for your recent purchase from our store. We hope you are enjoying your new [product/service]. We believe that [related product/service] would complement your new purchase and enhance your overall experience. 

[Briefly explain how the related product/service would benefit the customer]

If you are interested in learning more about [related product/service], please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to provide more information and assist you with your purchase. Thank you for choosing us.

[Your name]

Keep in touch

Stay in touch with customers by sending them updates or newsletters about your business. This will help keep your brand in mind and may lead to repeat business.

Subject: Stay up-to-date with [company name]

Dear [customer name], We hope this email finds you well. We wanted to stay in touch and keep you updated on the latest news and happenings at [company name].

[Include updates or information about your business, new products/services, promotions, etc.]

Thank you for your continued support and loyalty. We value your business and look forward to serving you in the future.

[Your name]

Make it easy for customers to leave reviews.

Business owners can make it easier for customers to leave reviews by including a link to their product’s review page in the confirmation email they send after purchase. This simple step increases the likelihood that customers will submit feedback about their experience, both good and bad.

Studies show that offering customers incentives for leaving reviews also helps increase customer participation, particularly those who had positive experiences with the product or service.

leave reviews

Encourage reviews through social media.

Social media can be an excellent way for businesses to get customer feedback and create content that users make. By offering discounts and promotional codes, companies can incentivize customers who have had positive experiences with their product or service to share their stories on social media channels like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Additionally, business owners can use these channels as platforms for collecting customer feedback by engaging directly with followers and encouraging them to provide honest opinions about their experience in the form of reviews or ratings.

Respond to reviews

Responding positively and promptly can help build trust between the business and its customer base. Customers are more likely to keep using a company’s products or services if they see their opinions are valued. Additionally, responding to negative reviews allows businesses to address issues swiftly before they affect other potential buyers or cause further reputational damage.

Managing Negative Reviews

No matter how well you try to please your customers, it is inevitable that you will receive some negative reviews. Here are a few tips for how to manage them:

Don’t get defensive

It can be challenging to maintain a brand reputation when you receive negative reviews from customers, but business owners mustn’t get defensive. Instead of getting angry or lashing out at the customer, there are better ways to address negative reviews and use them as opportunities for growth.

The most important thing is to remain professional and courteous when responding to any consumer feedback. This will show potential customers that you care about what they have to say and show that you are good at customer service. Taking a step back and looking at the situation objectively is key; try to see things from the customer’s perspective so you can figure out why they had a negative experience with your product or service.

Here is a sample e-mail template for responding to a negative review:

Dear [customer],
We apologize for the negative experience you had with [company name]. We value all feedback and take all reviews seriously, as it helps us to continually improve our products and services.

We would like to address the issues you mentioned and see if there is anything we can do to make it right. Could you please contact us at [contact information] so that we can discuss this further?

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and hope to have the opportunity to make it right.

[Your name]

Offer a solution

When a customer gives negative feedback, a business needs to take the time to respond appropriately and, if possible, offer a solution. For example, suppose the customer has raised a valid concern about receiving a damaged product or service that is not up-to-standard. In that case, businesses should try offering a refund or replacement product as quickly as possible to resolve the issue and regain their customer’s trust.

By offering a solution, businesses demonstrate that they are willing to go above and beyond to make things right and ensure their customers are satisfied. It is important to remember that a negative review or feedback is not always a reflection of the business as a whole but rather a specific experience or issue that a customer has encountered.

Use negative reviews as an opportunity to improve.

Negative reviews can be a significant setback for online sales. Customers may get a wrong impression of a company, product, or service if other customers have posted negative reviews and feedback about their experiences with the same thing. But even though reviews can hurt a business’s reputation and make customers less likely to buy, they can also be used to make changes or improvements that will make customers happier.

Businesses should take the time to look at negative reviews to find problems that keep coming up so they can fix or change things as needed. For example, companies may need to invest in better training for their staff members or create more efficient processes and procedures. They may also need to look into what competitors are doing differently, resulting in higher customer satisfaction ratings than their own company.

Tell customers about your actions.

It is crucial to be sincere and honest. Responding to a negative review and letting the customer know what actions you have taken to address their concerns can go a long way in building trust and credibility with both the individual customer and potential future customers. It shows that you take customer feedback seriously and are willing to make changes and improvements based on their experiences.

Best review management software for businesses

Several review management software options are available to help businesses collect, monitor, and respond to online reviews. Some of the best review management software include:


This review management software lets businesses collect reviews from places like Google, social media, and their own website and respond to them. It also offers features for managing customer feedback and creating targeted review request campaigns.


This software helps businesses to monitor and analyze online reviews across multiple platforms, including Google, Yelp, and Facebook. It also offers tools for responding to reviews and improving customer satisfaction.


This software allows businesses to collect and manage reviews from multiple sources, including Google, Facebook, and their website. It also offers tools for creating targeted review request campaigns and analyzing customer sentiment.

This review management software allows businesses to collect, monitor, and respond to reviews across multiple platforms, including Google, Yelp, and Facebook. It also offers features for analyzing customer sentiment and creating targeted review request campaigns.

This software helps businesses to manage and improve their online reputation through review management, social media monitoring, and customer feedback tools. It also offers features for analyzing customer sentiment and creating targeted review request campaigns.

WordPress plugins for the review management

It is straightforward to manage reviews, especially when your website is built using WordPress. Several WordPress plugins are available which can help businesses collect, monitor, and respond to online checks. Some of the best WordPress plugins for review management include:

WP Customer Reviews

This plugin allows businesses to collect customer reviews and ratings and display them on their WordPress website. It also offers features for moderating reviews, setting review criteria, and integrating with Google Rich Snippets.

WP Review

This plugin allows businesses to create reviews and ratings for products, services, or other content on their WordPress website. It offers customizable review templates, support for user reviews, and integration with Google Rich Snippets.

WP Product Review

This plugin allows businesses to create product reviews and ratings on their WordPress website. It offers features for adding pros and cons lists, rich snippets integration, and customizable review templates.


This plugin integrates with the Yotpo review management software and allows businesses to collect, manage, and display reviews on their WordPress website. It also offers features for creating review request campaigns and analyzing customer sentiment.


This plugin integrates with the Trustpilot review management software and allows businesses to collect, monitor, and respond to reviews from multiple platforms on their WordPress website. It also offers features for creating review request campaigns and analyzing customer sentiment.

How to use positive reviews in marketing and advertising efforts?

How to use positive reviews

Positive reviews can be a powerful tool for boosting sales and attracting new customers. Here are some ways to use positive reviews in your marketing and advertising efforts:

  • Include positive reviews in your website or social media content. Highlighting positive thoughts can help to build trust and credibility with potential customers and can also help to boost your search rankings.
  • Use positive reviews in email marketing campaigns. Including customer testimonials in your email marketing can help persuade potential customers to purchase.
  • Share positive reviews on social media. Posting positive reviews on your social media accounts can help to increase your reach and attract new followers.
  • Use positive reviews in ads. Including customer reviews in your ads can help to increase their effectiveness and convince potential customers to purchase.

Using good reviews in your marketing and advertising can show how valuable and high-quality your products or services are and get more people to buy them.


Online reviews play a crucial role in online sales. You can improve your reputation and make more money if you actively look for good reviews and handle bad ones well. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews and be proactive in addressing them – it’s essential to running a successful online business.

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