Amazon Keyword Research

Welcome to our easy-to-follow guide about Amazon keyword research. If you’re selling things online, getting people to see your products is important. That’s where Amazon keyword research comes in.

Finding the best words can make your products more visible, get a better place in search results, and get more customers.

In this guide, we’ll teach you how to do Amazon keyword research step by step. We’ll talk about the basics of Amazon SEO, why keyword research is important for making your products stand out, and ways to do good keyword research using different tools and tricks.

We’ll also discuss the best ways to use keywords and how other things can improve your Amazon SEO.

Whether you’re new to selling on Amazon or want to get better at keyword research, this guide has everything you need to get good at Amazon keyword research and make your online business even better.

Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics of Amazon SEO

When selling on Amazon, optimizing your product listings is crucial for visibility and sales. Amazon SEO, also known as A9, is the algorithm that determines the order in which products appear on search results pages.

Understanding the basics of Amazon SEO is crucial for mastering keyword research and optimizing product listings to reach your target audience.

Several key factors influence Amazon SEO rankings, including:

  • Product Title
  • Product Description
  • Bullet points
  • Backend keywords
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Seller performance

To optimize your product listings effectively, it’s vital to understand how each factor impacts Amazon SEO rankings and how to leverage them to your advantage.

Focusing on these fundamental elements can improve the visibility of your products in Amazon search results and generate more sales.

Amazon Keyword Research Strategy

Key Elements of Amazon Product Listings

Your Amazon product listings are made up of several key elements, each of which plays a significant role in Amazon SEO rankings:

Product TitleYour product description should be informative and engaging, giving customers a detailed understanding of your product. Include relevant keywords throughout the description.
Bullet PointsBullet points provide a concise overview of your product’s features and benefits. Use them to highlight key selling points and include relevant keywords.
Product DescriptionYour product description should be informative and engaging, providing customers with a detailed understanding of your product. Include relevant keywords throughout the description.
Backend KeywordsBackend keywords are hidden keywords that are not visible to customers. Use them to include additional relevant keywords that may not fit in other areas of the product listing.

With these optimisations, you can improve your Amazon SEO rankings and increase the visibility of your products to your target audience.

Understanding the basics of Amazon SEO is essential for effectively mastering keyword research and optimizing product listings.

Importance of Keyword Research in Amazon SEO

Keyword research is crucial for Amazon SEO. It helps sellers find the most relevant keywords for their products and optimize their listings for better search rankings.

However, effective keyword research goes beyond choosing high-volume keywords and stuffing them into titles and descriptions. Understanding how to identify the right keywords and strategically use them throughout the listing is important.

Keyword ranking significantly impacts product visibility on Amazon. By researching and selecting the right keywords, sellers can improve their rankings and increase their chances of appearing higher in search results.

Effective keyword optimization also attracts more relevant customers to the listing, boosting sales and revenue.

Integrating keywords correctly in different parts of the listing, such as titles, bullet points, and descriptions, is crucial. This enhances the listing’s relevance to search queries and increases its chances of appearing at the top of search rankings.

It’s essential to note that keyword optimization is an ongoing effort. Sellers must stay updated with search algorithms and customer behaviour to adjust their keyword strategies accordingly.

Keyword Research

Strategies for Effective Amazon Keyword Research

Amazon keyword research is critical to optimizing product listings for better visibility and sales. Here are some effective strategies for conducting successful Amazon keyword research:

1. Find the Most Searched Keywords

Search volume is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting keywords for Amazon. The higher the search volume, the more potential for sales. Sellers should analyze the search volume for each keyword they’re considering and focus on those with higher volume.

2. Analyze Keyword Competition

Keyword competition refers to the number of products competing for the same keyword. Sellers should consider the level of competition for a keyword to determine if it’s worth targeting. Utilizing keyword competition analysis tools can help sellers make informed decisions when conducting keyword research.

3. Use Keyword Analysis Tools

Numerous tools are available for conducting Amazon keyword research, including Amazon’s Keyword Tool and third-party tools like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout. These tools help identify relevant keywords, analyze competition, and provide insights on keyword performance.

4. Utilize Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are specific phrases around seed keywords with lower search volumes but are highly targeted. They can help attract more qualified traffic to product listings and improve discoverability. Utilizing long-tail keywords can also help optimize product listings for voice search queries.

By utilizing these strategies for Amazon keyword research, sellers can optimize their product listings and improve their chances of success on the platform.

Best Amazon Keyword Tools for Sellers

Several Amazon SEO tools are available to help you with your keyword research. These tools can help you identify relevant keywords, analyze competition, and optimize your product listings. Here are some of the most popular Amazon SEO tools:

Jungle Scout

Jungle Scout is Amazon sellers’ best keyword research tool to optimize their business. Its main features include a product database, tracker, keyword scout, supplier database, listing builder, sales analytics, inventory manager, and promotions & email campaigns.

These features enable efficient product research, improved listing optimization, reliable supplier sourcing, data-driven decision-making, inventory management, and increased customer engagement. Jungle Scout is a web-based application with a Google Chrome extension.

Sellers sign up for an account, log in to access features, install the extension for additional insights, conduct product research, optimize listings, manage inventory, analyze sales performance, and engage customers. This leads to increased sales and profits.


Sellics is a comprehensive Amazon software that provides SEO, PPC, and sales analytics solutions. It features a robust keyword research tool that tracks rankings, identifies new keywords, and analyses competition. It also provides insights on optimising your product listings for maximum visibility and sales.

Helium 10

Helium 10 is another popular Amazon SEO tool that offers a suite of features for keyword research, product research, and listing optimization. It includes a keyword research tool that helps you identify high-volume keywords, monitor keyword performance, and track competition.

It also provides a product listing optimizer that helps you enhance your product titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool is a free tool that helps you generate relevant long-tail keyword suggestions for your Amazon product listings. It uses Google Autocomplete to suggest keywords that shoppers are searching for. It also provides data on search volume, cost-per-click, and competition level for each keyword.

These Amazon SEO tools can help you streamline keyword research and target your product listings’ most relevant and profitable keywords.

Limitations of free Amazon keyword research tools

Free Amazon keyword research tools can be very helpful for sellers looking to optimize their product listings and improve their SEO. However, there are some limitations to these free tools that you should be aware of:

  1. Limited data and features: Free tools often provide limited data and features compared to their paid counterparts. For example, they may not provide search volume trends, competition analysis, or advanced filtering options.
  2. Less accurate search volume estimations: Free tools may not have access to the same level of data as paid tools, which can result in less accurate search volume estimations.
  3. The limited number of searches: Some free tools may restrict the number of searches you can perform per day or month, which can be a limitation for users who need to conduct extensive keyword research.
  4. No ASIN search or other specialized features: Some free tools may not offer specialized features like ASIN search, Amazon product research, or other listing tools that can be helpful for Amazon sellers.
  5. Irrelevant keywords: Free tools may generate irrelevant keywords unsuitable for your product listings, leading to wasted time and effort.
  6. Limited support and updates: Free tools may not receive the same level of support and updates as paid tools, which can result in outdated or less effective keyword research capabilities.

Despite these limitations, free Amazon keyword research tools can still be useful for sellers looking to optimize their product listings on a budget.

Using multiple tools and cross-referencing the data, you can gain valuable insights into your Amazon product listings’ most relevant and profitable keywords.

Analyzing Keyword Competition on Amazon

When conducting Amazon keyword research, analysing keyword competition is essential to optimize product listings for maximum visibility. Understanding keyword competition helps identify less competitive, high-performing keywords and target them for better keyword rankings and increased traffic.

There are several ways to assess keyword competition on Amazon, including analyzing search results, evaluating sponsored products, and monitoring competitor listings. By analyzing these factors, you can gain insights into the competitiveness of your selected keywords and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Evaluating Search Results

A simple way to evaluate keyword competition is by analyzing search results on Amazon. Look for the number of results for a particular keyword and assess how many of those results are related to your product. If there are many irrelevant results, it may indicate lower competition for that keyword.

Additionally, analyze the top results’ quality to understand what factors contribute to their success in ranking for that particular keyword.

Assessing Sponsored Products

Sponsored products are a useful tool for identifying high-performing, less competitive keywords. Analyzing sponsored product ads for your chosen keywords can provide insights into the competitiveness and profitability of those keywords. Look for sponsored products with high impression and click-through rates to identify opportunities for targeting less competitive keywords.

Monitoring Competitor Listings

Monitoring competitor listings can provide valuable insights into their keyword strategies, including which keywords they target and how they incorporate them into product listings.

Analyze their product titles, bullet points, and descriptions to identify high-performing keywords and understand how they incorporate them into their product listings. Use this information to refine your keyword strategy and compete effectively.

By analyzing keyword competition on Amazon, you can optimize your product listings for maximum visibility and attract the right customers. Utilize the above strategies to gain insights into your product’s keyword competition and refine your keyword strategy for improved Amazon SEO.

Optimizing Amazon Product Listings for Maximum Visibility

Amazon product listings must be optimized for search engines to maximize visibility and attract potential customers. Here are some essential elements to consider when optimizing product listings:

Use short, descriptive phrases. Highlight key features and benefits. Include essential product information.

Backend keywords, which are not visible to customers, should also be optimized to improve search rankings. Here are some guidelines for backend keyword optimization:

Use relevant, high-traffic keywords in your backend search terms. Include common misspellings, synonyms, and different variations of keywords to improve search visibility.

Images are also crucial in improving product visibility. Make sure to use high-quality images that showcase the product and its features. Here are some tips:

  • Use high-resolution images
  • Showcase the product from different angles
  • Include images that demonstrate the product in use

Providing accurate product information, such as dimensions, weight, and material. This information can help customers make informed purchasing decisions and improve the chances of a positive review.

Monitoring and Tracking Keyword Performance

Keyword optimization is an ongoing effort, and it’s crucial to monitor and track keyword performance to determine the effectiveness of your optimization strategies. By tracking keyword rankings, you can identify which keywords perform well and which require further optimization.

Fortunately, there are several tools you can use to track keyword performance on Amazon. These tools collect data on keyword rankings, search volume, and other metrics that can help you evaluate your optimization efforts.

Some popular Amazon keyword tracking tools include:

SellicsTracks keyword rankings and suggests new keywords based on product listings and competitor keywords.
Jungle ScoutProvides detailed keyword analysis and search volume data and tracks keyword rankings over time.
Helium 10Offers detailed keyword research and tracking data, including search volume, competition, and historical trends.

When tracking keyword performance, it’s important to focus on relevant metrics. While tracking every metric is tempting, not all metrics are valuable for evaluating keyword performance. Instead, focus on metrics such as:

  • Keyword ranking
  • Search volume
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Conversion rate

By focusing on these metrics, you can gain insights into the impact of your optimization efforts on product visibility and sales.

How to Track Keyword Performance on Amazon

Amazon provides limited keyword performance data, but tracking keyword rankings and other metrics using third-party tools is still possible. Here are the steps to track keyword performance:

  1. Select a keyword tracking tool.
  2. Enter your product ASIN and the keywords you want to track.
  3. Monitor keyword rankings, search volume, and other metrics over time.
  4. Adjust your optimization strategies based on the data collected.

Tracking keyword performance is an essential part of Amazon keyword research and optimization. You can make data-driven decisions to improve your product listings’ visibility and sales by monitoring keyword rankings and other relevant metrics.

Leveraging Long-Tail Keywords for Enhanced Discoverability

Long-tail keywords can help improve discoverability and attract more targeted traffic to product listings. Unlike generic keywords, long-tail keywords are more specific and descriptive. They can capture customers looking for a particular product, feature, or benefit.

Long-tail keywords have lower search volumes but are less competitive, making them easier to rank in search results. They can also help improve conversion rates as they attract more qualified leads. Incorporating long-tail keywords throughout product listings can help optimize product visibility and maximize sales.

Finding and Incorporating Long-Tail Keywords Effectively

To find effective long-tail keywords, start by brainstorming phrases that customers may use to search for your products. Use Amazon’s auto-suggest feature to see what keywords customers are using. Look at customer reviews and feedback to identify keywords commonly used to describe your products.

Once you have identified potential long-tail keywords, integrate them strategically throughout product listings. Use long-tail keywords in product titles, bullet points, and descriptions.

However, avoid overusing them and compromising the readability and coherence of the content. Use long-tail keywords naturally and prioritize the flow and clarity of the copy.

Staying Ahead with Competitive Keyword Analysis

In today’s highly competitive eCommerce market, simply conducting keyword research is not enough. You must also analyse your competitors and keyword strategies to maximize your visibility and sales potential on Amazon.

You can gain valuable insights into their product positioning and improve your keyword research efforts.

Competitive keyword analysis involves examining your competitors’ keywords to optimize their product listings. This includes identifying their primary and secondary keywords, analyzing their search volume, and assessing their keyword competition.

By understanding your competitors’ keyword strategies, you can improve your own and stay ahead of the competition.

Techniques for Analyzing Competitor Keywords

You can use several techniques to analyze your competitors’ keyword strategies. These include:

  • Searching for your targeted keywords and analyzing the top-ranking products
  • Reviewing competitor product listings and examining the keywords used in their titles, bullet points, and descriptions
  • Utilizing keyword research tools to analyze your competitors’ primary and secondary keywords

Once you have gathered information on your competitors’ keyword strategies, it’s important to use this data to refine your keyword research efforts. You can do this by identifying new keywords to target, assessing the competitiveness of your keywords, and adjusting your optimization techniques as needed.

Leveraging Competitor Keywords for Better Product Positioning

Analyzing your competitors’ keyword strategies can help you identify opportunities to improve your product positioning. By leveraging their keywords, you can refine your keyword strategy and optimize your product listings for improved visibility and sales.

For example, suppose you notice that your competitors use a specific long-tail keyword in their product titles. In that case, you may want to consider incorporating that keyword into your title to improve your ranking for that keyword.

Alternatively, you may identify keywords your competitors are not targeting, allowing you to fill a market gap and attract new customers.

By staying ahead with competitive keyword analysis, you can refine your keyword research efforts and optimize your product listings for maximum visibility and sales potential on Amazon.

Best Practices for Amazon Keyword Optimization

Effective Amazon keyword optimization is critical for maximizing product visibility, attracting relevant customers, and driving sales. Here are some best practices for incorporating keywords strategically throughout product listings:

  1. Conduct thorough keyword research: Use tools to identify relevant and profitable keywords. Analyze search volume and competition to select the best keywords for your product.
  2. Integrate keywords in product title: Place the most important and relevant keywords in the product title. Keep it concise and avoid keyword stuffing.
  3. Optimize bullet points: Use bullet points to highlight key product features and benefits. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally in bullet points to improve search rankings.
  4. Write compelling descriptions: Use descriptions to provide detailed information about the product. Incorporate relevant keywords throughout the description to optimize search visibility.
  5. Use backend keywords: Backend keywords are hidden keywords that can be added to product listings to optimize search visibility further. Use them strategically to target relevant keywords that may not be feasible to include in the front-end listing.
  6. Monitor and refine: Regularly monitor keyword performance and refine optimization efforts accordingly.

These best practices can improve your Amazon SEO rankings, attract more relevant customers, and increase sales.

Utilizing Backend Keywords for Enhanced Visibility

Apart from the keywords visible on a product listing, another set of keywords can significantly impact the product’s visibility – Backend Keywords. Backend keywords are not visible on the product listing but are part of Amazon’s algorithm determining search results and visibility.

Amazon allows up to 250 bytes (not characters) for backend keywords, so it is crucial to make every byte count. Here are some tips for optimizing backend keywords:

Keep it relevantUse high-priority keywords related to the product to ensure that the product appears for the relevant search queries.
Avoid repetitionDo not repeat keywords already used in the product title, description, or bullet points.
Avoid stop wordsUse only relevant keywords and avoid stop words such as “and,” “the,” “in,” etc.
Use variationsUse different keyword variations, including plurals, synonyms, and misspelled versions, to account for different search queries.

Remember that just like with front-end keywords, back-end keywords must abide by Amazon’s policies. Avoid using offensive or misleading keywords or keywords related to other brands or products.

Optimizing backend keywords can significantly impact product visibility, so utilize them effectively in your overall Amazon SEO strategy.

Enhancing Amazon SEO with External Factors

Amazon SEO is influenced by the keywords you use in your product listings and external factors that impact the overall customer experience. Understanding and leveraging these external factors can help enhance your Amazon SEO efforts. Here are some external factors that you should keep in mind:

External FactorDescription
Customer ReviewsProduct reviews from customers can significantly impact Amazon SEO. Positive reviews can improve product visibility, while negative reviews can lower it. Encouraging customers to leave reviews and responding to all reviews, positive or negative, can help improve your product’s visibility and boost sales.
Product RatingsAmazon considers seller performance metrics such as order defect rate, late shipment rate, and cancellation rate when determining product visibility. Maintaining a high standard of seller performance can help improve your product’s visibility.
Seller PerformanceAmazon considers seller performance metrics such as order defect rate, late shipment rate, and cancellation rate when determining product visibility. Maintaining a high seller performance standard can help improve your product’s visibility.

Understanding and leveraging these external factors can enhance your Amazon SEO efforts and improve your product’s visibility on the platform. Encouraging customers to leave reviews and ratings, responding to all reviews, and maintaining a high standard of seller performance can all positively impact your Amazon SEO.

Keyword Research Tools

Expanding Your Amazon Keyword Research Efforts

Amazon keyword research is an ongoing process that involves continuous analysis, optimization, and expansion. Expanding your keyword research efforts beyond individual product listings is essential to keep up with the highly competitive Amazon marketplace.

Here are some techniques for identifying new keywords, monitoring trends, and exploring related keywords to broaden the reach and optimize the overall product portfolio.

1. Use Amazon’s Search Bar Suggestions

Amazon’s search bar suggestions can provide valuable insights into popular search terms related to your product category. Type in your primary keywords and analyze the suggestions, noting any relevant terms that could broaden your keyword portfolio.

Keep an eye on trending keywords in your category by using Amazon’s bestseller lists, top-rated lists, and new release lists. Identify and incorporate the keywords frequently appearing in these listings into your keyword research strategy.

Look for keywords to expand your product portfolio and attract more targeted traffic. Use Amazon’s “customers also bought” and “customers also viewed” sections to identify related products and analyze the keywords used in their listings.

4. Check Out Your Competitors

Analyze your top competitors’ product listings and identify any relevant keywords you may have missed. Use keyword research tools to analyze their keyword portfolio and understand their overall keyword strategy.

5. Utilize Keyword Research Tools

There are several keyword research tools available that can assist in expanding your Amazon keyword research efforts. These tools analyze search volume, competition, and related keywords to provide new keyword ideas. Some popular tools include Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and Sellics.

By following these techniques for expanding your Amazon keyword research efforts, you can broaden your keyword portfolio, increase your product reach, and stay ahead in the highly competitive Amazon marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Amazon Keyword Research

As Amazon grows as an eCommerce powerhouse, mastering keyword research has become increasingly important for businesses. Here are some frequently asked questions related to Amazon keyword research:

What is keyword research, and why is it important?

Keyword research is finding and analyzing the terms or phrases people type into search engines. It is important for SEO because it helps you understand what your target audience is searching for and enables you to optimize your content to rank higher in search results. Using relevant keywords in your content increases your visibility and the chances of attracting organic traffic to your website or product listing.

How can I perform keyword research for Amazon?

There are several tools available for Amazon keyword research. Some popular options include Amazon Keyword Tool, Free Amazon Keyword Tool, and Keyword Research Tool for Amazon. These tools can help you discover relevant keywords for your product listings, estimate search volume, and analyze the competition.

How do I optimize my Amazon product listing for better search visibility?

To optimize your Amazon product listing, it is essential to include relevant keywords throughout your product title, bullet points, and product description. Use the best keywords that accurately describe your product and match users’ searches. Optimize your backend and hidden keywords to improve your keyword relevance and search visibility further.

How can I improve my Amazon SEO?

To improve your Amazon SEO, optimise your product listing with relevant keywords, enhance your product images, obtain positive customer reviews, and maintain competitive pricing. Additionally, consider leveraging pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on Amazon to increase your product’s visibility and sales.

Are there any free Amazon keyword research tools available?

Yes, there are several free Amazon keyword research tools available. Some of the popular ones include:

  1. Helium 10’s Magnet – This tool offers a wide range of data points, such as search volume and search volume trends, to help you maximize traffic for your business with better Amazon SEO.
  2. Keyword Tool – This free Amazon keyword tool uses Amazon autocomplete to generate many relevant keywords for Amazon listing optimization or any other purpose. The paid version, Keyword Tool Pro, provides more features and additional keywords.
  3. Ahrefs Amazon Keyword Tool – This tool generates free keyword ideas for Amazon in 171 countries, with monthly search volumes. It uses Clickstream data to provide more accurate and reliable search volume estimations.
  4. SellerApp Amazon Keyword Tool – This free Chrome extension generates tons of Amazon suggest keywords in one click. Sellerapp’s free Amazon keyword tool is trusted by thousands of Amazon sellers worldwide and helps uncover the most profitable and relevant long-tail keywords.
  5. Amazon Keyword Tool by Keyword Tool Dominator – This free tool dramatically improves the process of finding popular Amazon keywords for your Amazon listing, saving you hours.
  6. SellerApp’s Amazon Keyword Research Tool – This free Amazon keyword planner helps you generate keyword ideas for your Amazon product listing and provides AI-backed competitor insights.
  7. Sonar by Perpetua – This free Amazon keyword research tool has a continuously updated database of Amazon ‘product/keyword’ combinations, and offers reverse ASIN lookup.

These tools can help you find the most relevant and profitable keywords for your Amazon product listings, improve your SEO, and increase your product visibility.

What is search volume analysis, and why is it important?

Search volume analysis refers to assessing the number of searches a particular keyword receives on Amazon. It is a crucial step in keyword research, as it helps identify high-volume keywords that can drive more traffic to product listings.

By analyzing search volume, businesses can gain insights into the popularity of certain keywords and make informed decisions about which keywords to prioritize in their optimization efforts.

What is keyword competition, and how does it impact Amazon SEO?

Keyword competition refers to the level of competition for a particular keyword on Amazon. It is determined by the number of products that are currently competing for the same keyword.

Keywords with high competition may be more challenging to rank for, making it harder for products to appear at the top of search results. Conversely, low-competition keywords allow businesses to optimize product listings and drive more traffic.

What are some effective tools for Amazon keyword research?

There are several effective tools for conducting Amazon keyword research, including:

  • Amazon’s auto-complete feature provides suggested keyword phrases as users type in the search bar. It can be a helpful starting point for discovering new keywords.
  • Keyword research tools: Jungle Scout, Helium 10, and MerchantWords can provide insights into search volume, competition, and related keywords.
  • Competitor analysis tools: Tools such as AMZScout and Sellics can help businesses analyze their competitors’ product listings and identify high-performing keywords.

What are some best practices for optimizing product listings?

Some best practices for optimizing Amazon product listings include:

  • Using relevant, high-volume keywords in the product title, bullet points, and description
  • Writing clear, concise product descriptions that accurately describe the product and its features
  • Using high-quality product images and videos to showcase the product
  • Soliciting customer reviews and ratings to improve credibility and search rankings

How can backend keywords help improve product visibility?

Backend keywords are added to the backend of an Amazon product listing. They are not visible to customers but can help improve product visibility by providing additional information to Amazon’s search algorithm. To effectively optimize backend keywords, businesses should include relevant and high-volume keywords that accurately describe the product and its features.


Mastering Amazon Keyword Research In conclusion, mastering Amazon keyword research is essential for any seller looking to optimize their product listings and improve their website visibility. By conducting thorough keyword research, sellers can identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords customers use to search for similar products.

This knowledge enables sellers to strategically incorporate these keywords into their product titles, bullet points, and product descriptions, making their listings more likely to appear in relevant search results. Additionally, keyword research helps sellers understand their competition and identify gaps in the market that they can target.

By identifying low-competition keywords with high search volumes, sellers can optimize their listings and increase their chances of ranking higher in search results, ultimately driving more organic traffic and sales. Furthermore, regularly updating and refining keyword strategies based on performance data can help sellers stay ahead of changing customer preferences and market trends.

Mastering Amazon keyword research requires dedication, attention to detail, and a willingness to experiment and adapt. However, by investing time and effort into developing effective keyword strategies, sellers can significantly improve their chances of success on the platform and reach their target audiences more effectively.

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